Donald Trump spoke at the Value Voter's Summit this past weekend
after getting his Klan hood dry cleaned. The Summit was put on by the Family Research Council, a hate group, who are known for their anti-LGBTQ ideals and work to deny their equal rights. The council's president, Tony Perkins, said of Trump, "Values voters have waited eight years for a leader who puts America's mission first and respects the values that made America into a great nation." He added, "
President Trump allied himself with values voters, promising to put an end to the eight years of relentless assault on the Frist Amendment." I'm sorry, but isn't this the same man who's been hyper obsessing over and actively trying to end police brutality protests in the NFL?
Trump's keynote speech addressed the "attacks on Judeo-Christian values" seeing that it's the only religion that seems to matter in this country. There he waged a war against those who choose to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." Trump stated, "They don't use the word Christmas because it's not politically correct... We're saying Merry Christmas again." Newsflash Donnie and all you other idiot snowflakes out there, no one said you couldn't say Merry Christmas. Some of us just recognize that there are many other holidays that take place during the month of December. It simply really wouldn't make sense to wish someone a Merry Christmas when they celebrate Kwanza. Rather than just assume that the only black family in your neighborhood celebrates Kwanza when they do in fact, celebrate Christmas or maybe even Hanukkah it's safer to say Happy Holidays. Things could get super awkward otherwise.
It's no secret that Trump only went to the Summit to please his base. Trump is slowly being iced out by Congress and in order to feed his ego, he needs the thunderous applause from a bunch of fake evangelicals. I say fake because there is no way you can call yourself a Christian and support a man like Trump who has time and time again proved that he doesn't care about Judeo-Christian values with his anti-anything that is not an able-bodied heterosexual white Christain man rhetoric. I have a problem when your religion affects my basic human rights as an American, but that does not mean that I am against religious freedom. This is why separation of church and state exists because one religion cannot and should not be put above all others in this country. When policymakers don't understand that we have a big problem.
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