While performing at a charity event the singer, Harry Styles, was assaulted by a deranged fan. As you'll see in the video he was kneeling down in front of a group of girls when one decided to take advantage of the situation and reach for his crotch, Styles quickly pushed her hand away. Though he didn't stop his performance he was obviously shaken by the incident. He avoided that part of the stage for the rest of his show.
Although many fans and others alike were quick to get onto social media to denounce this act, there are some who still sought to normalize this attack and imply that it was somehow nothing more than an accident. It's no wonder why men don't speak up when they feel as though they've been assaulted or raped. Society makes male celebrities feel like they are so lucky to have women completely lose it when they see them. Society questions men for "complaining" about "getting ass." If you think sexual assault and rape can only happen to women pull your head out of your ass, it is not a hat.
Harry Styles hasn't made a comment about the incident and it doesn't look like he is going to try and press charges. I don’t want to speculate because I understand how dehumanizing assaults of this nature feel like. As women, we have a hard enough time getting friends and family to believe our stories so I can only imagine what it must be like for men.
Lastly, Ms. Donna Karen, I'm just wondering what your thoughts were on Harry Styles' outfit choice. I mean you did say women ask for it with the way that they dress. Here is Harry Styles fully clothed in that
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