Donald Trump and his administration decided that employers have the right to exclude birth control coverage based on "a religious or moral objection." The administration also cited the certain health risks associated with certain methods of contraceptives and that they promote "risky sexual behavior" among some teenagers and young adults. This comes days after the House has effectively banned abortions after 20 weeks.
Apparently, we've forgotten about Separation of Church and State, which means that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." These aren't exactly laws yet, but an executive order is still a clear directive from the President that ultimately effects the operations of the federal government. Besides that, it royally screws 90% of women who have or will use it for pregnancy prevention or other medical reasons. I've literally been writing a screenplay about this (which you can read here) and every day it's becoming more fact and less fiction.
Are there medical risks associated with birth control? Duh, but there are medical risks with any drugs you take. I started using birth control because my periods are extremely irregular and a way to correct that is through birth control. In fact, I haven't used the pill since January and I'm about to hit the 3-month mark since my last cycle. That's very bad just in case I need to make that more clear when you're supposed to have one every 4 to 6 weeks. 1 in 12 women have an incurable endocrine disorder and the primary treatment is birth control. Ovarian cysts, a condition that many of my friends and family suffer through regularly, are treated with birth control. Acne, painful periods, heavy bleeding, PMS, fibroids are all treatable with birth control. And as for "risky sexual behavior" among teens and young adults let me start off by saying MYOB and at least they're being safe. We don't need another generation of Teen Moms.
The GOP can't find any reason to regulate the 300 million guns in America because "crazy, sick people will still find a way." Yes, I'm sure Mr. Paddock would have found a way to kill nearly 60 people and injure 400 more from the 32nd floor of a hotel without the 47 guns he obtained and altered LEGALLY. Instead, the GOP wants to hyper obsess of women that have no interest in sleeping with them leaving their surplus of free viagra pills useless.
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