If you’re like me, you’ve probably experienced on more than one occasion a friend or maybe even a complete stranger invade your personal space to touch your hair. If not, you’re probably white and/or the offender. Momo Pixel, creator of the viral game, “Hair Nah,” wanted to educate people on just how frustrating and infuriating this experience is for black women. I feel like I've had this exact conversation so many times now, yet I still have to bob and weave away from white people that don't understand the physics of a personal bubble. It is why the accuracy of this game is hilarious. Momo Pixel was super tired of people making unwanted advances towards her hair. I'm sure you can relate even if you're not black but a woman that's met our president or any man for that matter. She was trying to explain this experience to her white boss. Her boss trying to imagine what this was like for us "was dodging and ducking. He looked so silly." She then...
Unwarranted, unwanted, and unpopular opinions on today's Pop Culture